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This way to the veggie garden

This way to the veggie garden

Welcome to our self service vegetable garden, this is one of our highest on the property, here we try our hardest to produce fruits and vegetables with no pesticides or chemical fertilisers.

Francisco in the greenhouse Tarifa

Francisco in the greenhouse Tarifa

Francisco is in charge of the organic vegetable garden, he cultivates the vegetables with organic manure from cows and goats in the traditional way he was tough when a child being broth up in Tarifa, he uses techniques that come from his ancestors and one can learn a lot from him.

Marcos is the owner of the property

Marcos is the owner of the property

Here I'm holing an organic water melon. Im Marcos and I'm the owner of the property, I live between Spain and Australia and i have a beautiful team that run the property for all our guests. Every year when i come back, i enjoy the very much walking through the veggie garden.

Paco our property manager

Paco our property manager

Her ewe have a picture of Paco our property manager, he is the boss on the property and makes sure all our guests have everything they need and keeps the place running and in perfect conditions, with out Paco this dream would not be possible. He's a very inspiring person, he is the son of Francisco

Oscar and Paco with a box of potatoe

Oscar and Paco with a box of potatoe

Our good friend Oscar helping Paco pick up a crop of organic potatoes, these potatoes are very tasty and we made lots of Spanish omelettes with them! This is truly healthy food, an essential part of life!

Close up of Organic potatoes

Close up of Organic potatoes

Truly we are very proud of our organic vegetable garden in Tarifa, and our guests enjoy walking out of the houses to the veggie garden to pick up these fresh healthy food and then directly back to the kitchen, so tasty:)

Fresh parsley Tarifa Vegetable garde

Fresh parsley Tarifa Vegetable garde

We have lots of fresh herbs in the organic Tarifa vegetable garden, we only use natural fertilisers and manure, and our plants become very healthy, tasty and big. There is such a difference from the food you buy in supermarkets. Its truly an experience to taste our food.

Organic Cabbage Tarifa Garden

Organic Cabbage Tarifa Garden

Here we have some organic cabbage produced in the Tarifa Organic Vegetable garden which is free for our guests to come and pick their food, always depends on the time of year and success of our crops!:)

String beans in the green house

String beans in the green house

Organic string green beans in our new green house, grown with love and natural compost and manure, the food it truly tasty and has a big difference in taste from supermarket food.

Some new tomatoes in green house

Some new tomatoes in green house

We are now planting tomatoes in the green house during the wintertime, not sure yet if they will produce fruit as they are a summer crop, but we do experiments no in the green house which is very interesting.

Organic Vegetables Tarifa

Organic Vegetables Tarifa

Here we have some baby green beans planted in organic goat manure that Paco brings from the neighbours up in the mountain, this manure is so powerful that plants go crazy and grow healthy. These technics come from Tarifa ancestors and have been passed down through generations.

Organic Basil Tarifa

Organic Basil Tarifa

Here we have some organic baby basil sprouting in the winter time inside the new green house, we are so happy with the green house, we are now able to plant food out of season, the plants love it in there!

Organic Super Tasty Water melon

Organic Super Tasty Water melon

The water melons this year where extremely sweet and juicy, we do our best to plant all kinds of vegetables, and availability is always subject to crops and our luck in planting them. Sometimes we loose crops.

Organi Lettuce Tarifa

Organi Lettuce Tarifa

These lettuce become so tasty and specially crunchy, its such a difference to eat a freshly collected lettuce, the crunch in the leaves is truly an experience for someone who has never eaten a fresh lettuce.

Inside the Tarifa green house

Inside the Tarifa green house

This is our new green house which we have built with lots of recycled material we had, now we try planting out of season and although its the first year we started, we are being successful with herbs and out of season crops, in the winter the green house keeps the heat inside and plants love it:)

Baby tomato plant growing

Baby tomato plant growing

Little baby tomato plant growing inside the new green house, hope you will grow big and beautiful juice tomatoes for all of us to enjoy

Organic Zucchini Vegetables

Organic Zucchini Vegetables

This white organic Zucchini plant went wild with the goat manure it was planted in and gave fit during more than 4 months, it just did not stop growing and giving beautiful tasty zucchini, we could not believe it, every one was using zucchini, we even ate the flowers in salads. Yummy yummy:)

Organic Zucchini and onions

Organic Zucchini and onions

Here are the Zucchini i was talking about, we had to pick them so they would not get to big, and we had boxes of tasty organic onions that where really sweet, all self service for our guest, a real treat and beautiful experience, children love it.

Compost Bin Tarifa Veggie Garden

Compost Bin Tarifa Veggie Garden

And here is our compost bin, here you can leave all the organic left overs except meat, fish and diary product. We have dug the compost bin into the soil and made holes in the sides, so the worms come inside to eat the left overs and help decompose the organic materials plus the leave their poops which are very good for plants.

Organi Figs Tarifa Veggie Garden

Organi Figs Tarifa Veggie Garden

This is one of the highlights of the veggie garden, in August the fig tree starts to give its fruit, These are so tasty that words can not describe, every morning there is a bunch of newly ripped figs, and we are all out there walking around the tree to try and find them first, what a delight.

Tarifa organic fruit

Tarifa organic fruit

And here is one of our beautiful tasting figs, sink you teeth in the sweet delight, close you eyes and let the taste buds work, full of vitamins and health, we also use them in salads, in the morning muesli,or just directly off the tree, what a wealth of luxury to eat truly fresh organic food.

Tarifa Organic Grapes

Tarifa Organic Grapes

Here are our delicious grapes, we have two varieties, white and black seedless grapes. Very sweet and great experience to pick them directly and poop them in your mouth, children absolutely love this experience.

More Tarifa Grapes

More Tarifa Grapes

This garden is run by Francisco, Paco, Oscar and anyone who wants to lend a hand, it feeds a few families and our guests who can use the self service garden included in the price of their stay.

Super tasty Organic Tomatoes

Super tasty Organic Tomatoes

Organic Tarifa tomatoes don't come better than these, in a city, these would be priceless, grown with love, organic manure and seeds that have come from local farmers from year after year of collecting them, all the farmers in the area interchange seeds as it has been done generation after generation of farmers, here things are done as they have always been done producing real tasty healthy food.

A real tomatoe

A real tomatoe

In August, when its the season for big red ripe tomatoes, you can sometimes get a 400gm super organic tomatoes that hardly fit in your hand, they melt in your mouth and activate all your taste buds, amazing culinary experience strait from the Tarifa Organic Vegetable garden.

Another Organic Huge Tomato

Another Organic Huge Tomato

Here is another monster tomato that hardly fits in my hand, the tomatoes that are still a bit green are still tasty in salad, the super ripe ones are good for gazpachos and tomatoes sauces.

Zucchini Flower

Zucchini Flower

These go very well in salads, what a luxury, we make our own food, produce our electricity with the wind and sun, have a water well, this is the basis of self sufficiency, when you reach this point you realise how little you need from the world. Its a great place to holiday and rest from society for a week, just to get away from it all, charge your batteries so you are able to continue with good spirits!:)

Compost bin with a view

Compost bin with a view

Our compost bin has a beautiful view to the sea and Africa in the background. Actually the whole Tarifa Organic vegetable garden has these views, you can get married in the wedding gardens that are surrounded by the veggie gardens, perfect for nature lovers

View from Tarifa Vegetable garden

View from Tarifa Vegetable garden

The Tarifa Organic Vegetable gardens on the property are located on the coast line 2km East of Tarifa town centre and have fibulas views, the Tarifa houses and wedding venues and gardens are all on the 6 acre land with over 100 positive past guest reviews, a truly unique location to get away from it all and experience nature, relax and tranquility, once you check in, you won't want to leave.

Beautiful Tarifa Property

Beautiful Tarifa Property

What a spacial location just 2km East of Tarifa town centre on the Coast line, boasting the best views of the whole area, and just minutes away from the restaurants, and night life of the famous Tarifa, a place to truly relax and get away from it all, a unique property run with love in all aspects, come and enjoy our place, you will feel like you are in a home away from home.

The entrance to the Veggie Garden

The entrance to the Veggie Garden

The entrance to the East side of the veggie garden on the 6 acre property in Tarifa, through here you arrive in the Magic Garden where we celebrate Tarifa weddings and events.

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